Trust, Emotion & Risk Are Still at the Forefront of Automotive Consumer Decision Making.

You’ve probably heard me saying this over and over again!  People buy from people – TRUST.

Essentially, the emotion and the risk in car buying remains the same as it always has been – even digital can’t change the way we’re hardwired to think!

If you only take one thing away from this article today – this is it: Minimise buyer risk and maximize emotion.

Evaluate your website like a pro:

  • Get family and friends that you trust to give you honest opinion to evaluate your website like a car buyer (great for the ‘cold hard facts).
  • Ask your customers what you can do to improve your website for trust.
    • Ask your buyers immediately post the sale (they’ll tell you what they liked).
    • Ask the customers who don’t make it to a sale (they’ll have reasons why they didn’t).
  • Ask everyone you know; what worries them about buying a car? What would convince them that they aren’t at risk?

People buy from people

Is it logical to think that people aren’t just buying cars?  Maybe they’re buying you, and your organisation and your people.

I’d love to know what you think – share this or tweet me your thoughts @georgemienie.

Here’s 5 of tips I’ve put them together for you. I was hoping that they add some value to your business and help you to sell more cars!

Read next: 5 Tips to win in today’s digital world >